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Cabaret in A Day!


You’ve probably heard of Musical In A Week… Well now we are excited to introduce Cabaret in a Day!


When: Friday 22nd April 9am - 6pm

Cabaret Performance: 6pm 

Cost: $100.00 (includes 2x adult tickets per child for the Cabaret performance!)

Excess Adult Tickets: $12.00 each

(all proceeds of tickets will be donated to an organisation assisting with the current floods)


Creative & Active Kids Vouchers Welcome + Dine and Discover!


In just one day, kids aged 8yrs - 12yrs will assemble an entire cabaret performance for friends and family to watch that same evening! The theme of Cabaret in a Day is kept secret until our first meet and greet at 9am on Friday 22nd April.. It could be anything! Disney, Mash Ups, Broadway, Pop, Rock - who knows but it will be a BLAST! This workshop is tailored for all young performers who like to dance, sing and/or act, no previous experience necessary.


Want to use a voucher? Email us at to and we will organise your voucher payment for you so that you can book your spot!


Cabaret In A Day - Junior Musical Theatre Workshop

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